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Choose your Membership Plan

  • Medical Mbrs

    One Time Purchase
    Valid for one year
  • Medical Mbrs-Auto

    Every year
    Auto-Renewal: Will renew each year automatically.
  • Auxiliary Mbrs

    One Time Purchase
    Valid for one year
  • Auxiliary Mbrs-Auto

    Every year
    Auto-Renewal: Will renew each year automatically.
  • Medical - Lifetime

    Lifetime Membership to PMASEV
  • Auxiliary - Lifetime

    Lifetime Membership to PMASEV

Auto-Renewal. Your Subscription will automatically renew at the end of Your Subscription Term continuously and indefinitely for period equal to the Initial Term (each a “Renewal Term”) without action by You, and the Subscription membership fee will be charged to You at the time of renewal. By payment of Your initial membership fee, You are agreeing to pay a reoccurring subscription fee automatically unless you cancel prior to the expiration of the current Initial Term or Renewal Term, as the case may be. Fees will be charged to Your original payment method automatically at the beginning of Your Subscription Term, and at the beginning of each Renewal Term thereafter on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of Your current Subscription Term, unless You cancel Your Subscription.

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